Custom Number Formatting In Excel: Learn Amazing Tricks
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Custom Number Formatting In Excel: Learn Amazing Tricks To Employ

27 Dec, 2024        276 views

Custom number formatting in Excel is a feature that allows all its users to format all the dates, times, and text in specific ways. It goes beyond the default options. When you define the custom number formats you can easily control how Excel shows the cell values without altering any underlying data.

Custom number formats use a combination of codes, placeholders, and symbols. It is one of the crucial aspects of Number formatting in Excel that you must be well aware of.

Custom number formats only affect the way all the numbers are displayed but it does not affect the underlying value of numbers.

What Is Custom Number Formatting In Excel?

It is a process that allows users to format dates, times, and text to go beyond the default options. When you define all the custom number formats you can easily control how Excel displays the cell value without altering the underlying data.

What Can You Do With Custom Number Formats?

Custom number formats can easily control the dates, percentages, fractions, times, and other numeric values. Using all the custom formats you can easily format month names, large numbers in millions and thousands and you can easily display negative numbers in red.

Basics Of Custom Number Formatting

There are certain basics of custom number formatting that you should be well aware of. Some of the key factors that you must be well aware of are as follows:-

  • Positive number format
  • Negative number format
  • Zero Format
  • Text Format

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Common Custom Format Symbols

There are some common custom format symbols that you should be well aware of from your counterpart. So, let’s go through some of the common symbols that you must be well aware off one after the other.

  • 0: It displays a digit. This does not add trailing or leading zeros.
  • #: It shows a digit but it does not add trailing or leading zeros.
  • .: This symbol represents all the decimal points.
  • , : It adds a thousand separators. (eg, #,### for 12345 becomes 12, 345).
  • %: This multiplies the value by 100 and it shows it as a percentage for example 0.00% for 0.5 becomes 50%.
  • ”: It encloses all the custom text.
  • @: This represents all the texts in custom format.
  • E+ or e+ displays all the numbers in scientific notations.

Where To Use Custom Number Format?

Excel supports number formats in various areas. You can easily use them in tables, charts, formulas, Pivot tables, and sometimes directly on the worksheet.

  • The worksheet helps to format cell dialog.
  • Pivot tables via value field settings.
  • Charts help you to update axis options and data tables.
  • You can view formulas via text options.

How Custom Number Formatting Works In Excel

Custom number formatting in Excel works by following some specific rules to control how date and time, text, and numbers will be displayed in cells. All these formats do not change the actual value of the data. In most of the cases, they only modify your appearance. All the custom number formatting relies, on placeholders, symbols, and codes. It interprets desired visual output.

Step 1: Preparing The Structure Of Custom Format

All the custom number formats have four sections separated by the use of semi-colons: Each section specifies the format for the following:-

  • Positive Numbers in the first section: In this section, you need to display the positive numbers with comma separators along with two decimal places.
  • Negative Numbers in the second section: In the section, negative numbers should be displayed in red along with a minus sign.
  • Zero Values in the third section: Zero format displays the word Zero.
  • Text in the fourth section: Text may comprise display text as entered.

format cells

Step 2: Placeholders In Custom Format:

All the custom formatting makes use of specific symbols to define how numbers and text are displayed. So, let’s explore the process.

Symbol Function
0 It displays a digit or a leading/ trailing to zero if no digit exists.
# This symbol omits the extra zeros but displays a digit.
. It indicates all the decimal points.
, In most cases, it scales the number or adds a thousand separator.
% You can add the percentage symbol by multiplying the value by 100.
To display alongside the number it encloses a custom text.
@ It represents all the text in a cell.

Step 3: Custom Number Formatting Method

  • Interpretation Of Symbols:-

All the Excel scans of the custom format that has the application to placeholders in all the numbers in the cell.

  • Conditions For Applications:-

It is based on the value that Excel applies to all the corresponding sections of the format.

  • Display Rules:-

In most cases, the actual cell value remains unchanged but all the display is modified based on the format or rules.

Examples Of Using Excel Custom Number Formats

There are certain examples. Some of the core factors that you should be well aware of are as follows:-

Format Numbers With A Thousand Separators & Two Decimal Places

decimal format

Offers Custom Display For Negative Numbers

negative format

Include Custom Text

custom text format

Display All The Percentages

percentage format

Date Formats

date format

Hide All The Values

hide values

How To Apply Custom Number Formatting?

There are several ways you can apply for custom number formatting. Some of the key factors that you should consider here are as follows:-

  • Select the cell.
  • Open the format cell dialog.
  • Navigate To the Custom Format Option.
  • Enter Or Modify the format.
  • Click On the OK button.

Benefits Of using Custom Number Formats

There are several benefits of Custom Number Formatting that you must be well aware of. Some of the key benefits of it are as follows:-

  • Improves The readability Of data.
  • Saves all time and effort.
  • Enhances Professionalism.
  • Makes Data Context Clear.
  • Handle Different Data Types Effectively
  • Optimizes The Space

Where Can You Find The Number Formats?

On the home tab in the ribbon, you can find the menu in built-in number format. You can view the following table to make use of the number format perfectly. Most importantly, it comprises custom formatting as well.

This button will open the format cells within the dialog box. After that, you will find the complete list of the number formats, organized by category in the number tab.

Suggestions:- You can easily open the format cell dialog box with the help of keyboard shortcut Control +1

General In Most Cases Is Default

By default, all the cells start with the general format applied. The display of the numbers is the general number format that can be somewhat fluid. In most of the cases, excel will display as many decimal places as the space allows. After that the screen below shows the same values such as B and D. Furthermore, the screen can be narrower. Sometimes Excel can adjust on the fly.

What Are The Common Shortcuts For Number Formats?

Excel offers some keyboard shortcuts to meet some common formats. Some of these shortcut keys are as follows:-

Format Shortcut
Currency Format Ctrl Shift $
General Format Ctrl Shift ~
Percentage Format Ctrl Shift %
Date Format Ctrl Shift #
Scientific Format Ctrl Shift ^
Custom Format Ctrl +1
Time Format Ctrl Shift @

Problems & Possible Solutions to Customomize Number Format In Excel

There are some common problems that people often face while employing custom number formatting in Excel. Some of the key Problems and Solutions that you should be well aware of are as follows:-

A. Problem: Custom Format Displays Unexpected Output

Issue: All the formats do not display the numbers as intended. For example, missing decimal places or the presence of incorrect text display.


  • You must double-check the format syntax.
  • 0.00 displays two decimal places but 0 will not show any.
  • Make use of the correct symbols. For example # for optional digits and 0 for mandatory digits.

B. Problem: Negative Numbers Do Not Get Displayed Correctly

Issue: All the negative numbers are not formatted as it is intended.

Solution: Ensure that you include the second section for all the negative numbers in your format.

#,##0 displays all the negatives in red with a minus sign.

#,##-0 shows negatives in Parenthesis.

C. Problem: Zero Values Display Incorrectly

Issue: All the zero values are displayed as blank or an unexpected word.

Solution: It includes a third section in your format for zero values. For example

Zero displays Zero for sales in case of 0 values.

#,##0, It hides all the values comprised of zero by leaving the third section blank.

D. Problem: Text Values Not Displaying Properly

Issue: when using a custom format, the text value is either ignored or displayed incorrectly. This is also one of the crucial problems.

Solution:- Include the @ symbol in the fourth section to handle the list.

#,##0, @ displays text, as it uses “ NA for all the negative numbers”.

E. Problem: Large Numbers Display In Scientific Notations

Issue: All the large numbers automatically switch to scientific notations.

Solution: You can use a custom format to prevent all the scientific notations.

F. Problem: Inconsistent Display Of Thousands Or Millions

Issue: All the large numbers are not displayed in the desired scale.

Solution: Use scale numbers by using commands in the custom format.

G. Problem: Currency Symbols Not Displaying Correctly

Issue: The wrong currency symbol or the format may be displayed.

Solution: You can use the correct symbol in the correct format.

Different Ways To Format Numbers In Excel

There are several ways you can adopt to format numbers in Excel. Some of the key ways that you should be well aware of from your end are as follows:-

A. General

A general number format is an automatic or default setting present in Excel. This format shows the numbers in the order in which you type them. Now, if the cell is not wide enough to display all the complete places then round the number to show the smaller decimal. In most of the cases, this format makes use of scientific notations.

B. Number

This format will allow you to decide how you want to display different kinds of numbers such as negative numbers, large numbers, and decimals. You can select the numbers in decimal places that you want in the numbers in each cell or row. If you want to have each number in three decimal points then you can make use of it.

C. Currency

You can use all the currency formats to display and organize monetary values. Whenever you do so you can make use of default symbols of currency. You can make use of specific symbols depending on the currency you are using.

D. Accounting

An accounting number format will help you to align with currency symbols and all the decimal points that have some specific symbols. You can decide on the symbol and decimal points that you want to group. Almost like you place the $ symbols with any other number with having two decimal places.

E. Date & Time

The date number format displays the date and time within the cell. There are several ways you can employ to display this information. According to all the Excel functions you make use off it from your end.

Final Take Away

Hence, these are some of the custom number formatting in Excel that you must be well aware of. Additionally, you should develop a better solution that can boost the scope of better formatting to a greater level.

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