70 Most Common Power BI Interview Questions and Answers
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Power BI Interview Questions and Answers

70 Most Common Power BI Interview Questions and Answers

20 Dec, 2024        527 views

The rise of Business Intelligence tools is now a great deal of hype. All the business intelligence tools have posed a challenge to Microsoft. In most cases, Microsoft introduced Power BI to address all the compelling questions. Power BI Interview questions and answers you should know to address your requirements.

According to Gartner, Microsoft Power BI is a top business Intelligence tool. All IT firms rely on Power BI, which is why companies now want candidates who have the knowledge to use it.

Due to this, the current IT firms have a huge demand for Power BI Experts. Additionally, you must get through the details of these questions to understand the types of questions you have to face in the interview board.

Essential Power BI Interview Questions and Answers You Must Know

There are several essential Power BI Interview questions that you should know from your end. Some of the key questions that you must follow from your end are as follows:-

1. What Is Power BI?

Power BI is one of the popular business analytics tools that was developed by Microsoft. It helps you to turn in some unrelated data sources that comprise valuable and interactive insights.

All these data may be in the form of Spreadsheets or cloud-based or premises hybrid data warehouses. You can easily connect to all your data sources to share the insights with anyone.

2. What Are The Difference Between Power BI and Tableau?

Power BI and Tableau have several points of differences that you must be well aware of. Some of the key factors that you must be well accustomed to are as follows:-

Table AU Power BI
Tableau Uses MDX for all the dimensions and measures. Power BI makes use of DAX for calculating all measures.
It is powerful enough to handle large amounts of data. It can handle a limited amount of data.
Tableau is one of the best suitable for experts. Power BI is best for all experts and beginners.
Its user interface is quite complicated The Power BI interface is comparatively simpler.
This is capable of developing all the cloud with clarity. Power BI is difficult as the scope of handling large amounts of data is quite limited.

3. Difference Between Power Query And Power Pivot?

There are several points of difference between Power Query and Power Pivot. Some of the core differences of it are as follows:-

Power Query Power Pivot
Power Query is about analyzing the data. Power Pivot helps transform and get data.
The power query falls under the ETL service tool. It is an in-memory data modeling component.

4. What Is Power BI Desktop?

Microsoft has developed and designed Power BI Desktop as an open-source application. Power BI will allow users to connect with data in order to transform and visualize their data with complete ease. It lets users visualize all data and collection that can be shared in the form of reports with your clients and colleagues in your organization.

5. What Is Power Query?

Microsoft has designed power queries as one of the business intelligence tools that is used for Excel. In most cases, power query allows you to import data from various data sources that will enable you to clean, transform, and reshape your data.

6. What Is DAX?

The full form of DAX is Data Analysis and expression. This is a collection of operators, functions, and constants that is used in formulas to make the calculations of the return value. Thus it helps you to create new info from all the data that you have.

7. What Are The Filters In Power BI?

The term filter itself is self-explanatory as all the mathematical and logical calculations are being applied to data. It will help you to filter out all the logical data and essential information in the form of rows and columns. There are certain varieties of filters available in the power BI.

  • Auto filters
  • Manual Filters
  • Drill Down Filters
  • Include/ Exclude Filters
  • Drill through filters
  • Cross through Filters
  • Pass-Through Filters
  • URL filters

8. What Are The Custom Visuals In Power BI?

Custom visuals are like any other visualizations that are generated using the power BI. The only amount of visuals is that it develops custom visuals by making use of Custom SDK. All the languages like JavaScript and Jquery are used to create all the customized visuals in Power BI.

9. What Is Get Data In Power BI?

Get data is a simple icon present in Power BI that is used to import data from the source. It is one of the best custom software to use in 2024. All your data-related queries can make things easier for you in all possible ways.

10. What Is Power Pivot?

Power Pivot for Excel will support single-directional relationships. Calculated columns are there for import mode. It supports bidirectional cross-filtering connections. This comprises security, multiple import options, and calculated tables.

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11. What Is Self-Service BI, Anyway?

SSBI is an abbreviation for the Self Service Business Intelligence and is a breakthrough intelligence. It has enabled many business professionals to have no technical as well as coding background. To use power BI and coding reports to generate and draw predictions successfully. Even all nontechnical users can easily create these dashboards. This will help your business to make more informed decisions.

12. What Are The Custom Visuals In Power BI?

All the custom visuals are like any other visuals in Power BI. The only difference is that it develops all the custom visuals using a custom SDK. Languages like Javascript and J query are used to create custom visuals in Power BI.

13. What Is Get Data In Power BI?

Get Data is a simple icon in Power BI that is used to import data from the source. Additionally, it can offer you the scope to make things happen in your favor. Here, proper planning will help you to reduce the scope of errors.

14. Mention Some Benefits Of Power BI

There are several benefits of power BI as you can enjoy intractable data visualizations in the data center. Let’s go through its benefits to have a better idea about these Power BI interview questions.

  • Intractable data visualizations in data center power BI will help you to build in
  • Allows users to transform data into any kind of visuals to share them with anyone
  • Develops all the connections for dashboards, and Excel queries for fast analysis
  • Offers quick and accurate solutions
  • Enables users to perform all the queries on any kind of report using simple queries

15. List Out Some Of The Drawbacks As Well As limitations Of Power BI

There are several drawbacks and limitations of Power BI that you must be well aware of from your end. Some of the core drawbacks of it are as follows:-

  • Power BI does not support a file size that is more than 1 GB. It helps to import all the data and to access all the real-time connections
  • Several data sources allow all the real-time data sources to meet the requirements of Power BI reports and dashboards
  • In most of the cases, it shares dashboards and reports with same email address
  • Dashboard does not accept passwords, user accounts, or any other parameters like it

16. Difference Between Data Modelling On Power BI in Desktop and Power Pivot in Excel

The main difference between Power BI on desktop and Power Pivot in Excel is that it supports single-directional relationships. It is calculated in columns and one single mode. Power BI Desktop supports bidirectional cross-filtering connection with multiple import options and calculated tables.

17. Name Several Connectivity Modes Available In Power BI

Several connectivity options and modes are available in Power BI that you should be well aware of. Some of these modes are as follows:-

A. SQL Server Import

An SQL server import is a default and one of the most common connectivity types. It is used in Power BI. As it allows you to use the full capabilities of the Power BI desktop. Additionally, this can better boost the scope of your learning.

B. Direct Query

Whenever you make a connection to specific data sources the connection to direct query is possible. In this form of connectivity type Power BI will lock the metadata for underlying data but not the actual data.

C. Live Connection

With this form of connectivity type, it does not store all the data with the use of the Power BI model. All the interactions with the report will use the live connection with the query that is present in the existing analysis service model. There are only three basic data sources that support the Live connection methods SQL server analysis, Azure Analysis service, and the Power BI data sets.

18. What Are The Various Types Of Refresh Options Provided In Power BI?

Various types of refresh options are provided by Power BI that you should know from your end. Some of the key factors that you must be well aware of while meeting your needs with absolute ease.

A. Package Refresh

It synchronizes all your Power BI desktop or Excel files between one drive and Power BI or any kind of SharePoint online.

B. Model Or Data Refresh

Within a power BI service, it refreshes the data set from the original data source. You should be well aware of this while reaching your goals.

C. Tile Refresh

For your tile visuals, you can update the cache every 15 minutes within the dashboard once all the data changes.

D. Visual Container Refresh

It easily refreshes all the visual containers as well as updates that comprise cached report visuals within a report once you change the data.

19. Name The Data Sources Power BI Can Connect To?

There are several data sources that the Power BI can easily connect to and these are grouped into three main types.

A. Files

It can easily import all the data from Excel, Power BI desktop files, and all the comma-separated values.

B. Content Packs

Content packs from services and service providers like Google Analytics, Salesforce, and Marketo are created and shared by other organizations.

C. Connecters

All the connectors get connected with all the data sets and databases that comprise apps, data, and services in the cloud.

20. What Are The Dashboards in Power BI?

A dashboard is a single-layer presentation sheet that comprises of multiple visualization report. Some of the main features of the dashboard of Power BI are as follows:-

  • It allows you to drill through all the pages, bookmarks, and selection panes and will help you create various tiles to integrate the URLs
  • A dashboard will also help you to set all the report layouts in the mobile view

21. Explain How Relationships Are Defined In Power BI Desktop.

In most of the cases, relationship tables are defined in two ways. Some of them are as follows;-

  • Manually: Using all the primary and foreign keys relationships between the tables are manually defined
  • Automatic: Whenever you enable this feature Power BI detects all the relationships between all the tables to create them automatically

22. Is It Possible To Get More Than One Functional Development Between Two Tables In Data Models That Are Power Pivot?

No, there are possibilities that there can be various inactive relationships between two tables of the Power Pivot. Additionally, in most of the cases, all dotted lines show inactive relations. All the continuous lines represent some active relationships. This is one of the essential Power BI interview questions that you should address.

23. Can You Have The Table In The Model Which Does Not Have Any Relationships With Other Tables?

Yes!! There are chances that there can be two disconnected tables present in it. All these tables are used with parameter values that are all exposed and selected by the slicers.

For metrics in the user interface, it makes use of the table as the placeholder. Additionally, you need to get through the complete process that can assist you in meeting your needs.

24. What Is The Calculate Function In DAX?

There are certain ways you can calculate the function of DAX that you should be well aware of. The CALCULATE function operates the sum of the sales table amount. You should modify the filter in the context of the measures for the table.

You need to step up with some following power BI interview questions from the scope of the intermediate level. Additionally, you should take care of certain facts that can assist you in meeting your needs with ease.

25. Where Is Data Stored In BI?

In most cases, Power BI gets assisted by the cloud to store data. In most of the cases, Power BI makes use of the desktop service. Microsoft Azure is used as a primary cloud service to store data.

  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure SQL database

26. What Is Row Level Security?

Row-level security limits all the data limits that you can access. It all relies on filters. Users can define all the roles and rules in all the Power BI desktops to publish them in the Power BI service to configure all the row-level security.

27. Why Should You Apply General Formatting To Power BI Data?

In most cases, users can make use of general formatting to make it easier for your power BI. It will help you to categorize and identify data thus making it easier to considerable work with ease.

28. What Are The Different Views Available In Power BI Data?

There are three different views present in Power BI that you should be well aware of. Some of the crucial aspects that you must be well aware of are as follows:-

  • Report View: In this view, users can add additional users pages, and can add visualizations to publish the same in the portal
  • Data View: In the query editor tools data shaping can be performed
  • Model View: Users can manage all the complex relationships using the data sets

29. What Are The Various Versions Of Power BI?

Power BI has lots of versions present in it. Some of its core versions are as follows:

  • Power BI Desktop
  • Power BI Service
  • Make use of Mobile Power BI apps for Android devices and iOS

30. Explain The Building Blocks Of Microsoft Power BI.

The building blocks of Microsoft Power BI are as follows:-

A. Visualization

Visualization is a method of generating graphs and charts for the representations of graphs as well as charts.

B. Data Set

A data set is a collection of data that is used to create the visualization such as a column of the sales figure. Data sets can be filtered and combined from various sources that are built-in data plugins.

C. Reports

The final stage is the report stage. It comprises of group of visualizations on one or more pages. It comprises maps and charts that are combined to make final reports.

D. Dashboards

All the dashboards of Power BI assist you in sharing all the single visualizations with all the colleagues and clients to see the complete dashboard.

E. Tiles

A tile is an individual visualization on your final dashboard or one of your charts will offer you a final report. This is one of the most crucial aspects of Power BI that you should know from your end.

31. What Are The Critical Components Of The Power BI Tool Kit?

There are several critical components of the Power BI Tool Kit that you must be well aware of. Some of its critical components are as follows:-

  • The Power Query
  • Power Pivot
  • The Power Map
  • Power View
  • The Power Q&A

32. What Do You Mean By Content Pack?

A content pack is known as the readymade collection of the data visualization and comprises of Power BI reports while using your chosen service. Additionally, you must use all the content packs when you want to get up and running quickly instead of creating all the reports from scratch.

33. Define Bi-Directional Cross Filtering?

Bidirectional cross-filtering lets all the data modelers decide to know how desktop filters help you to flow the data. Thus it helps to build all the relationships with the table. All the filter concepts are transmitted to the second relatable table. This exits the other side of any given table and relationship. This procedure helps all the data modelers to solve many to many issues without the use of any complicated DAX formulas. Therefore Bidirectional cross-filtering makes the job for entire data modelers easier.

34. What Are The Three Fundamental Concepts Of DAX?

Three fundamental concepts of DAX are as follows:-

  • Syntax
  • Functions
  • Context

35. Why And How Would You Use Custom Function File?

In most cases, you will use the custom visual file if all the pre-packaged files do not fit the needs of your business. All the developers make use of custom visual files. You can easily import them and use them in the same way as you will do in the case of prepackaged files. It is one of the essential Power BI questions that you must be well aware of while doing custom function files.

36. What Are The Categories Of Data Types?

The categories of data types are numerous that you should be well aware of from your counterpart.

  • File
  • All
  • Power BI
  • Database
  • Online Service
  • Azure
  • Other

37. Name Some Commonly Used tasks in Query Editor.

There are some commonly used tasks in the query editor. It will help you to meet your goals with ease. Some of the crucial facts that you should be well aware of in this regard are as follows:-

  • Shape and combine data
  • Connect to data
  • Pivot columns,
  • Group Rows
  • Query formulas
  • Create Custom columns

38. What Do You Mean By Grouping?

There are several ways you can do grouping for making the data of visual chunks. However, you can define your groups into beans. For all the grouping Ctrl + Click can help you to select all the multiple elements. This too you can do in the visual format. Additionally, you need to right-click on these items. All the menus will appear in the chosen group. In the group’s window, you will get the opportunity to create new groups or you can modify the existing ones.

39. Explain Slicers That Are Responsive In Power BI.

A developer can resize all the responsive slicers to various shapes and sizes for all the data collected. Data collected in the container can be matched and rearranged. If the visual report becomes too small then it can become useful. To save the space and report page. This is one of the crucial aspects that you must be well aware of from your counterpart.

40. What Is Query Folding In Power BI?

Query folding is used when all the steps defined in the query editor are being translated to SQL. In most cases, it is executed in the source database instead of your device. Thus it helps in scalability and data processing.

41. What Is M Language?

M is a programming language that is used in power query as one of the functional as well as case-sensitive languages. It is similar to programming language and quite easy to use. Thus you have to make things work perfectly well in your favour.

42. What Are The Major Differences Between Visual Level, Page Level, and Report Level Filters?

There are some major differences between Visual Level, Page Level, and Report Level filters that you should be well aware of. Visual level filters are used to filter data, Page level filters are used to work on an entire page on a report, and Report level filters are used for the visualizations of the pages.

43. List The Most Common Techniques Of Data Shaping.

There are some of the common techniques that are used for data shaping. You must be well aware of it. Some of them are as follows:-

  • Applying a sort order
  • Adding Index
  • Removing all rows and columns

44. How Is The Schedule Refresh Feature Designed To Work?

Users can easily set up automatic refresh of data based on weekly and daily requirements. Users can help you to refresh a maximum of daily due to Power BI Pro. It makes use of Pull-down menu choices. This will help you to select the time zone, time of the day, and frequency.

45. What Information Is Needed To Create A Map In Power Map?

Powermap can offer you geographical visualization. Therefore, some location and data are essential. Some examples of it are city, state, country, latitude and longitude.

46. Which In-Memory Analytics Engines Are Used In Power Pivot Use?

Power Pivot makes use of the Xvelocity engine. Xvelocity can easily handle a huge amount of data. All the data gets located in the RAM when you make use of it in memory analysis. It can easily boost the processing speed.

47. Mention The Major Components Of SSAS.

Some of the major components of SSAS are as follows:-

  • OLP engine
  • Data Drilling
  • Slicers
  • Pivot Tables

48. What Are The Three Fundamental Components Of DAX?

Three fundamental components of DAX are numerous. Some of the key components of it are as follows:-

  • Syntax
  • Functions
  • Context

49. Name The Variety Of Power BI Formats.

All the power BI is available in three specific formats. Some of these key formats of it are as follows:-

  • Mobile application
  • Desktop
  • Power BI services

50. What Are The Different Stages In The Working Of Power BI?

Different stages of working on power BI are numerous that you must be well aware of. Some of its core stages of it are as follows:-

  • Complete Data processing
  • Data Integration
  • Comprehensive Data Presentation

52. Which Professionals Use The Power BI The Most?

Some of the list of professionals who make use of Power BI the most are as follows:-

  • The Business owners
  • Business Analyst
  • All the Business developers

53. What Is The Advanced Editor?

All the advanced editor is used to view the queries that all the power BI is running against all the data sources as it will help you to import the data. All the queries are rendered in M code. You need to select the Edit Queries option from the home tab. You then have to click on the advanced editor to perform work on any query. Any changes were saved to apply the steps in the query settings.

54. What Gateways Does Power BI Have And Why Should You Use Them?

Gateways function as the bridges between all the data sources and the Azure Cloud services. Some of the key takeaways in this regard are as follows:-

  • Personal Gateways: It can be used only by one person as all the data can be imported and it is valid on Power BI services
  • On-Premises Gateways: It is one of the advanced forms of the personal gateway. As it supports all direct queries and is usable by multiple users to refresh all the data

55. Mention Some Applications Of Power BI.

There are numerous applications of Power BI that you must know about from your end. Some of the key applications of Power BI are as follows:-

  • Data analysis
  • Business analysis
  • IT Professional
  • Database Administration
  • Data science

56. How Can You Depict A Story In Power BI?

It is another important power BI interview question often asked on the interview board. Every individual chart or visualization report is collected and generated on a single screen. This approach is applicable in the dashboard of Power BI. On the dashboard of Power BI, you can depict the story.

57. What Are The KPI’s In Power BI?

In most of the cases, KPIs are abbreviated as performance indicators. Any professional organization has teams and employees to follow all the KPI protocols. In most of the cases, organizations set up the KPI for all the employees. All these KPIs act as the targets. All these KPIs have a comparison to previous performances to analyze the progress.

58. What Is A Slicer?

Slicers are an integral part of a business report that is generated using Power BI. All the functionality of the slicer can be considered that be similar to that of the filter. A slicer can easily display the visual representation of all the values as well as the representation of all the available values that are present in the drop-down menu.

59. Explain Power BI Designer.

This is a combined solution that offers you the opportunity to upload reports and dashboards to the Power BI. It offers a clear website option for reference. This comprises of Power Pivot, Power Query, and Power Table.

60. How Do You Reshape Data In Power BI?

Power BI offers and delivers a wide variety of data sources. This can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level. A data editor is one of the tools that is used to manipulate all the rows and columns of the data. This can also help you to reshape all the data according to your requirements.

61. What Is The Highest Data Limit Per Client For Free Version Of Power BI?

There are some of the data limits per client for the free version of Power BI that you must be well aware of. Some of the key factors that you must be well aware of are as follows:-

  • The BI Pro: It allows 10 GB of data storage and license
  • Power BI Premium: This comprises of default access of data size limit of 10GB
  • The Power BI PPU: Comprises maximum memory available of 100 GB
  • Semantic Models: The maximum number of columns is 16000 minus one for each table
  • Data Sources: The maximum number of data sources allowed per user is 1000
  • Queries: A limit of one million rows will be in each query

62. Where Do You Find Q&A Highlight?

At the highest point on the report, the power BI can benefit you. This can help you to meet your requirements with ease. Try out the best option that can make things work perfectly well in your way.

63. Which Single Page Canvas Uses Visualizations To Depict Story?

Power BI service dashboard can help you to depict the story while making the visualizations. Thus, it can help you to depict the story in a better manner. This will help us to know your take on this matter.

64. Which Components Do Not Form The Part Of Power BI?

Some components of Power BI do not form the part of Power BI scale. You should not make your choices on the incorrect end. Without knowing the facts you cannot make things happen in your favor.

65. Which Filter Level Is Analogous To The Slicer In A Report On The Power BI Desktop?

The page-level filter is analogous to the slicer to report on the power BI desktop. Additionally, you should make things happen in perfect order while reaching your goals. This can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level.

66. Where Do You Reshape Data In Power BI?

Data editing can help you to reach your goals with complete ease. It can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level.

67. How Do You Consolidate Inquiries In Power BI?

By joining all the queries you can consolidate inquiries in Power BI. Additionally, you cannot make your selection and choices on the incorrect end. This can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level.

68. Which types of Views Are Available In Power BI?

There are several types of views available in Power BI that you should be well aware of. Some of the key factors that you should consider here are as follows:-

  • Data view
  • Model View
  • Report View

69. How Can You Refresh Data In Power BI?

There are several ways you can refresh data in Power BI. Some of the core factors that you must be well aware of are as follows:-

  • Refresh a Power BI desktop file
  • You should refresh a semantic model
  • Refresh the data in the data pane
  • Enable an automatic page refresh
  • Schedule a data refresh

70. What Happens When You Click On The In Focus Mode in Power BI

Focus mode lets you expand the Pop-out or the visual tile to see more detail. It is one of the crucial factors that you must be well aware of. Try to develop a better solution that can make things work perfectly well in your favor.

Final Take Away

Hence, if you have to face an interview to get the job then you should go through these essential power BI interview questions to meet your needs and goals. It is one of the crucial aspects of Power BI Interviews that you should be well prepared here.

You can share your views and comments in our comment box. This will offer you the opportunity to make the perfect use of Power BI to meet your goals with ease. Here, proper planning holds the key.

Additionally, it can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level. As these can boost the chances of your brand development. You cannot just make your selection incorrectly while meeting your goals with ease.

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