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Know About Top SAP FI Reports

28 May, 2020        1108 views

SAP FI is one of the most important modules of SAP. It stands for Financial Accounting. SAP FICO is primarily for storing the financial data of an organization, although it has more functions. SAP FI also helps analyze the financial conditions of any business at a given point in time. It also has the capability to integrate with other SAP modules like SAP SD, SAP PP, SAP MM, SAP SCM, etc. Today we deal with SAP FI reports and report generation. In any SAP training whether online or offline, knowledge of reports is of paramount importance to understand how the FI specific reporting works.

When it comes to the SAP GUI (Graphical User Interface), most of the reports can be found when navigating in the manner given below :

Enter SAP GUI –> Go to –> Accounting => Finance Accounting => General Ledger => Information System => General Ledger Reports => Master Data => Chart of Accounts

The above is the navigation scheme in the latest SAP GUI. This path in the SPRO has also been shown in the graphic below. The reports section in SAP FI, on a broader perspective mainly consists of Accounts Receivable and Payable, Cost Center and Vendor related data, and also GL Accounts and consolidation.

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(Courtesy – SAPDataSheet)

The logics of value storage while preparing SAP FI reports

There can be different types of logic as to how the values get stored while generating SAP FI reports. For instance, some of the invoice generating report logics have been enumerated below.

Logic – 1

  1. Select AWKEY from the table BKPF where MBLNR EQ the accounts document and GJAHAR = User Entered FY (Financial Year).
  2. Select LFBNR from the table MSEG on the basis of AWKEY WHERE MSEG-MBLNR = BKPF-AWKEY[10]
  3. Select PACKNO from the table ESLH where ESLH-EBELN = MSEG- LFBNR

EXTSRVENO field of structure finally generates the invoice number.

Logic – 2

  1. SELECT AWKEY from the table BKPF where MBLNR EQ accounting number and GJAHAR = User Entered FY = output A
  2. Select LFBNR from the table MSEG based on AWKEY WHERE MSEG-MBLNR = BKPF-AWKEY[10] = output B
  3. SELECT TXZ01 from the table ESSR where LBLNI = output

BTXZ01 field of structure gives the final invoice number.

Logic – 3

  1. SELECT AWKEY from the table BKPF where MBLNR EQ accounting document number and GJAHAR = User Entered FY = output A
  2. SELECT XBLNR from EKBE where BELNR = output A from step 1 and GJAHR = User Entered FY = Output B
  3. SELECT XBLNR from RBKP where BELNR = Output B from step2 and GJAHR = User Entered FY

XBLNR field of structure generates the final invoice number.

Various SAP FI Reports

F.01 Financial Statements (for balance sheets etc.)

This is the report which gives a bird’s eye view of the reporting period from the last fiscal to the current. It also indicates the gross revenue generated in those periods.

This report looks like the following.

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(Courtesy – SAPDataSheet)

Cost Center and Vendor Details (KSB1)

As evident from the naming, this report is concerned with showing the cost center information and vendor details on a given time period.

This is how the report looks.

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(Courtesy – SAPDataSheet)

Group Currency FICO Reconciliation

This report deals with Group Currency Reconciliation Report for every company (or vendor) code and controlling fields in the database.

This is a basic report to learn in SAP training. This is how it looks.

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(Courtesy – SAPDataSheet)

F.41  Line Item wise Vendor balance

This report is useful when the user wants to know the list of vendors who are not much active. This report can then be used to take any action against them, including deactivation or looking for alternatives. It can also be used to ascertain vendor evaluation in the future.

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(Courtesy – SAPDataSheet)

F.42  Vendor Balance in Local Currency

This report serves businesses that have a lot of vendors who charge in the local/ national currency but are located in multiple nations. The report can also show all the debited or credited amounts converted to the local currency in line with the currency conversion norms defined in the SAP system.

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(Courtesy – SAPDataSheet)

These were the top SAP FI reports generally taught in detail in any decent SAP training. Interested to learn more? Don’t forget to check out our Industry-Ready SAP Training Course!

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