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10 Books To Read During Lockdown

05 May, 2020        370 views


Covid-19 Lockdown 3.0 is underway as the coronavirus pandemic is showing no signs of being on the decline. Most of all, both students and professionals are having to spend their days locked up in their homes with their families. Apart from those of you ‘working from home’, there’s little to cast boredom aside – that is if you’re not a bibliophile.

Yes, for avid book-readers who rarely find time to peacefully gobble up their favorite titles, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to read away in peace. And what better way to keep yourself engaged, entertained as well as pave the way for self-growth at your own pace than to read perception-altering books?

Today we deal with ten books which can be real great reads. And mind you, some might even change your thinking!

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is a book for the history buffs with an inclination towards scientific analysis. Written by Yuval Noah Harari, this was first published in Hebrew in Israel in 2011 based on a series of lectures Harari taught at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and in English in 2014.

The book traces and comments on the history of humankind from the evolution of archaic human species in the Stone Age up to the twenty-first century, focusing on Homo sapiens. The narrative is within a framework provided by the natural sciences, evolutionary biology in particular.

It is a wonderful read for those interested in knowing about the scientific history of mankind. It is a wonderful read as it dashes some prevalent notions and narratives in search of real facts.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones James Clear

This best-seller from James Clear is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and “get 1% better every day.”

This is one of my all-time favorites, and is a wonderful read. This book would teach you the following :

    1. Build a thought-system for getting 1% better every day.
    2. Break your bad habits and make good ones.
    3. Not make the common mistakes most people make when changing habits.
    4. Overcome a lack of willpower and motivation.
    5. Develop self-belief.
    6. Develop constructive new habits.
    7. Design your environment to make success easier.
    8. Make small changes that deliver big results

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! Robert T. Kiyosaki

This is yet another classic dealing with personal finance I wish I had read during my school life. 

Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert’s story of growing up with not one but two dads. One of them is his biological dad while the other one his dad’s rich friend. It deals with the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about personal finance and money.

The book busts the myth that we need to earn a high income to be rich.

It is a must read if you want to gain to re-think money, wealth and materialism.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is an inspiring tale that provides a detailed approach to express your inner genius to help you live with greater courage, abundance and joy. It is a great read if you want to learn how to see things from a spiritual perspective, for those of you inclined to spirituality.

A beautifully crafted story that has become a worldwide classic, this book narrates the story of Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life. On a remarkable trip to an ancient culture hidden deep in the Himalayas, he learns many lessons which are for you to learn as well, through the book.

A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes Stephen Hawking

This one is for the scientific minds out there. It critically analyses the space and time dimensions and the temporal paradox, while taking a careful look at a hot pop-culture topic – time travel.

Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? Is time travel feasible?

These are just some of the questions considered in the internationally acclaimed masterpiece written by the world renowned physicist the Late Stephen Hawking. He is considered to have been one of the world’s greatest thinkers.

It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time, from the Big Bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and strong theory.

Permission Marketing Seth Godin

Digital Marketing is fast growing into a cult profession, and those of you interested in this career can pick this title up to trace the very roots of this kind of marketing. For digital marketers, this is THE book. “Permission marketing” is a common idea for marketers today, but in 1999 it was a novel concept.

Seth is considered a legend in the field of marketing. For the interested, here’s one of his interviews where he takes on questions about leadership and other stuff.

Made to Stick: Why some ideas take hold and others come unstuck Chip Heath

This is another gem of a title dealing with alternate theories, fake news and the human psychology. If you’re interested in such topics, its definitely a great read.

This book deals with urban legends, click-bait sites, alternate and fake news etc. and is a very refreshing read.

As entertaining as it is informative, this is a timely exploration of a fascinating human behavior. At the same time, by demonstrating strategies like the ‘Velcro Theory of Memory’ and ‘curiosity gaps’, it offers superbly practical insights.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Dale Carnegie

This book deals with anxiety issues and how to deal with them in a simple yet engaging manner.

Anxiety is an actual illness and its needs proper medical attention and counseling but all of it is more about self help. And this book is a beginners guide to doing just that.

This book with help you understand yourself and definitely add to your knowledge about your struggle or the struggle of your loved one. It is a great read indeed, try it!

The Rudest Book Ever Swetabh Gangwar

This is a recent release and became an instant hit among the GenX and the GenY. Refreshing, easy-to-read, and relatable guide, The Rudest Book Ever will make you rethink everything you’ve been taught about life.

YouTube star problem solver Gangwar aims to show you how to deal with the mishaps that has happened to you, is happening to you and will happen to you if you do not alter how you process things in life.

This book, in a rather crude way would show you:

  • How to deal with rejections.
  • How to change your perceptions of people.
  • Why a society that sees people as ‘good and bad’ is foolish.
  • How the search for happiness is improper.
  • How seeking approval and acceptance harms our individuality.
  • The importance of knowing ‘how to think’, instead of ‘what to think’.

I absolutely loved this book, hope you would too.

Vedic Mathematics Made Easy Dhaval Bathia

‘Vedic Mathematics Made Easy’ is famous for its quick approach to solve tricky problem of mathematics. Utilizing a handful of formulae, the author describes how to tackle complex mathematics with ease.

The book is beneficial for students, professionals and literally anyone looking to improve their daily calculations. The formulae described in Vedic mathematics are known as ‘Sutras’. The author has illustrated sixteen important Sutras to teach the readers how to utilize them to break complex problems in arithmetic and algebra.

The formulae are mainly based on how human brains function. The USP of the formulae are that they are not like traditional formulae with plenty of theory, thus it does not take time to learn it it. The book is also useful for aspirants preparing for competitive exams in India and internationally.

This book changed the way I looked at calculations. This should have been the default way of teaching arithmetic calculations during early school life. Once you see these techniques, you cannot un-see them! It is a must read for everyone, as it might make you fall in love with numbers.

So here goes some of our book recommendations. We hope you find them useful and spend your lock-down time productively.

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