What Has History Taught Us When It Comes To An Online Training Institute? - ICA Edu Skills Blog
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Online Training Institute

What Has History Taught Us When It Comes To An Online Training Institute?

09 Dec, 2021        278 views


A Training Institute can be traced back to the year 427. It sounds utterly unbelievable, right? We ask you to think again, and remember that— If there is a hunt for an online training institute, can the demand for a job be far behind?

Knowledge is what you seek. Specifically, hands-on knowledge is what you seek! We will rationalise our opening statement at the end of this article. However, what we seek to resolve is what kind of online training you should take. In this article, we are:

  • Weighing more on the specific nature of online training you seek.
  • Taking your goals into account.
  • Helping you choose the right online training institute(completely depends on the course you want to learn). 

Although, we assume that your primary goal is to gain skills. (irrespective of the field) Your approach can be the make-it or the break-it factor when it comes to choosing the right online training institute. In simpler terms, your success depends on how you use the training. Also, your skills are directly proportional/dependant to/on your practically learnt knowledge. Our pedagogy is based on this cold hard fact:

Training is the foundation of all learning.

To explain this better, let’s take a look at mankind itself and its quest to one discovery and one invention. Specifically, fire and the wheel. More importantly, these two inventions are why we sit here and talk about online training institutes.

Online Training Institutes- A Journey through History

Two life-changing decisions changed the world. Once we remove the largest breakthroughs, all innovation can be traced back to the biggest game-changers, namely: 

The Discovery of Fire


The discovery of fire was a result of a mistake. One mistake that led us to realize is that it takes a lot of errors and a lot of errors to finally result in one discovery. Specifically, a discovery that changed the world. Finding Fire was a result of two stones creating a spark. A spark that ultimately led humankind to chase the light. Fire changed the world and moulded a new future. It was somewhere around 1.5 Million Years ago!  

The Invention of The Wheel


The following invention we take a look at is the Wheel itself. The Wheel was an invention that led to another revolution. It was a lot later or specifically 3500 BC. Yet, it was a revolution in itself, because the wheel was the precursor to mass production. Mass production is the reason we stand here today! 

We started with the wheel, and on we rolled into the future. We fast forward into the future to the invention of the lightbulb during the 1800s. The lightbulb was a combination of the spirits of both the fire and the wheel. Online training institutes are a standing testimony of the inquisitive spirit of man! Training institutes exist because we seek to learn from the best.

The Internet was a way to share data at first. Yet, somewhere within this network, we started communicating to gather data. Cut to the current day, and here we are reading a blog about an online training institute. 

Online Training Institutes: The Accounting Connection

Accountants are assumed to be the non-essential part of the training realm. However, accountants are the first and foremost recorders of history. Accountants existed ever since people learned to count. Or in simpler terms, accountants have existed ever since any exchange of value existed. This is the sole reason why training courses exist for accountants. Training is a passkey when it comes to accounting, and without it, nobody can start to account for ledgers, journals and balance sheets. Real-time experience matters and after the emergence of COVID-19, online training courses are the new normal. 

So, here you are, looking for online training institutes, and we are here to tell you that accounts, finance and taxation training is the way forward. Here are two reasons why: 

  • The job prospects are absurdly huge
  • Accounting, Finance, & Taxation is a domain that will never go out of need. 

   Did you know that the financial sector grows at 8.5% per year in India?

While Accounting continues to grow as a lucrative career option, the skills needed to face the challenges of technology remain unmastered. With the pandemic, learning might have come to a halt, but the wheels of training never stopped. So didn’t online training institutes.


Stepping Up Your Career With An Online Training Institute For Accounting| Two Life-Changing Decisions Changed

While the pandemic raged, we mixed the magic of the classroom with the convenience of the online mode to come up with a range of Online Courses. Meanwhile, here’s a statistic for you:

Did You Know That More Than Half Of All Graduates In India Are Unemployable? 

This is a statement by the India Skills Report. In 2021, the BFSI Sector continues to grow at rates never seen before. Accordingly, the need for skilled accountants is higher than ever. 

Thus, online training institutes are the way to go. The skills needed to make you employable are unfortunately not taught in schools and colleges. What matters here is your expertise, and skills. For example, your ability to combine your knowledge of accounting, finance, and taxation with accounting software is extremely important. 

Even more important are your presentation skills, and the way you manage your time in an organization. Yet, none of these things is taught in a college. Want to know the fastest and the best way to gather those skills? Get enrolled in an accounting course at an online training institute. An ideal online training institute should have the following features:

✔️ Interactive Live Classes

✔️ Monthly Assessments  

✔️ Practical Based Learning

✔️ Simulation Software

✔️ Monthly Mock Interviews

✔️ Fast-Track Courses 

✔️ End to End Expert Faculty Support

✔️ Special Doubt Clearing Classes

✔️ 1:1 Tutor to Student Support

Thus, if you are looking for an online training institute that has over 70,000+ Registered Employers and 100% Job Assurance, you might be in luck! Know more!

P.S.: The earliest recorded university in India, is Nalanda University, and is in fact History’s First Training Institution.

Disclaimer: The content posted in this weblog is intended for general information purposes only and does not include any professional accounting, tax, legal or financial advice. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information based on laws, regulations, and best practices which may vary by jurisdiction, industry, and individual circumstances.

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